GVF Impianti Srl is proud of reaching, thanks to an innovative technology, a new level in pre-coating sand production.
The realization of the sand pre-covering plant, in collaboration with Safond Martini, is by now at operating speed.
The plant is designed to produce pre-covered sand both with liquid and scales resin, making it highly performing and flexible. High productivity respects the maximum quality requirements of the final product thanks to a dosage, preparation and mixing system particularly sophisticated. This system is managed using an advanced user interface equipped with two touch screen panels, which make graphically clear the whole management. Very quick changes of production, product traceability, set recipes repeatability make GVF Impianti's new plant a reference point in pre-covered sand industry and guarantee to our customers a market placement with quality standard unthinkable until now.
Innovative machines such as the turbine mixer for liquid test, which allows to dose, make and keep uniform the solution by changing very quickly its formula, compose the plant. The new liquid resin inlet pump permits a continuous control, cycle after cycle, of the inlet resin quantity. The advanced sand preheating system with double rooms on a fluid bed guarantees the continuous control of process and reaction temperatures, and meets all Atex safety requirements. These are just some examples of the innovations introduced to create a unique and highly technological mixture for a high quality product.